内螺纹与成插焊截止阀螺栓连接阀盖、缩径和明杆支架(OS&Y) Boltedbonnet,fullportreducingportoutsidescrewandyoke(OS&Y) 末端连接为螺纹或承插焊,设计按BS5352 Threaded,butt-weldedorsocketweldedends,designtoBS5352的详细信息螺栓连接阀盖、缩径和明杆支架(OS&Y) Bolted bonnet ,full port reducing port outside screw and yoke (OS&Y) 末端连接为螺纹或承插焊,设计按BS5352 Threaded,butt-welded or socket welded ends,design to BS5352 CL800
焊接连接阀盖、全径和明杆支架(OS&Y) Welded bonnet ,full port &outside screw and yoke (OS&Y) 末端连接为螺纹或承插焊,设计按BS5352 Threaded,butt-welded or socket welded ends ,design to BS5352 CL800
螺栓连接阀盖、全径和明杆支架(OS&Y) Bolted bonnet ,full port & outside screw and yoke (OS&Y) 末端连接为螺纹或承插焊,设计按BS5352 Threaded,butt-welded or socket welded ends ,design to BS5352 CL900-CL1500
- J40HX-16G 型柱塞截止阀
- 氯介质波纹管截止阀
- 高压平衡式节流截止阀LJ46Y-250
- DJ41Y、DJ41W 型 PN16~PN40 低温截止阀
- 德标波纹管截止阀
- 衬氟截止阀
- BJ45H、BJ45Y、BJ45W 型 PN16~PN40 保温夹套直流式截止阀
- 磅级高温高压电站截止阀
- 美标波纹管截止阀
- SLJ44Y-160双作用角式节流截止阀
- FJ41 型 PN16~PN160 节流截止放空阀
- 截止阀
- 国标截止阀J41W
- JY41W、JY41Y 型氧气*用截止阀
- 京牌电动熔盐截止阀,北阀熔盐阀,北京市阀门总厂股份有限公司熔盐阀
- 法兰截止阀(碳钢)
- 截止阀
- 京牌美标截止阀
- 京牌截止阀,京牌截止阀J41H,北京市阀门总厂股份有限公司截止阀
- 熔盐阀
- 上海南泉截止阀可拆式保温衣
- 德标截止阀
- Nansen截止阀节能保温夹克
- 英(美)标截止阀